Children's Ministry
Children's Ministry
Jesus tell us, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14
Those who minister to children at Christ Church are obedient to the loving command of Jesus to let the children come to him. Both children and adults involved in Children's Ministry are mutually blessed as we carry out the vision of the church "...to know Christ and make him known" through:
Worshiping together
Learning together
Reaching out to others with the love of Christ
The main goal of Children's Ministry is to bring children to Christ through Sunday school, Children's Chapels, and special events and projects. Through these venues, Christ is made known in the telling of God's story in scripture and the sharing of the life of Christ in us through our witness to the world.
For more information on children's ministry, contact Catherine de Marigny, Director of Children's Ministry
8:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | Family Ministry Center (FMC)
Nursery Care is available each Sunday for infants through 3-year-olds
Infants - 12 months: Room 105
Toddlers and Twos: Room 106
Infants and toddlers through age three will learn familiar Bible stories in a safe, loving setting. Little ones have many opportunities to play, explore, and interact with their environment, each other, and our wonderful nursery staff. Please bring a diaper bag and labeled water bottle for your child. A Mother’s Room is available for nursing mothers and young infants.
9:00 & 11:00 a.m. | Children’s Chapel on Second Floor of FMC. Preschool* through fifth grade children are invited to attend Children’s Chapel at the beginning of the 9 and 11 a.m. services. Chapel follows the same liturgy as in the Sanctuary, focusing on the cycle of the church year, Episcopalian traditions, and common prayers and songs. Children will return to the Sanctuary for Communion with their families.
*children must be three as of 9/1/24 and fully potty-trained to attend Chapel
2024 Fall Sunday School
10 - 10:50 AM
Preschool: Preschool children, ages three* to five, will continue the focus on stories as the primary resource for learning and teaching. The fall covers a few Old Testament stories, winter discusses Jesus’ birth and ministry, and spring will explore the sacrament of baptism. Classes include a Bible story, followed by hands-on, sensory discovery of elements that relate to the day’s story.
*children must be three as of 9/1/24 and fully potty-trained to attend this class
Elementary: Elementary children, Kindergarten through fifth grade, will learn about how God is here in their lives. They will explore virtues, what God is doing in you to change the world around you, such as compassion, resilience, and hope, and learn that God is here for them and with them no matter what. Classes have a Bible story, followed by hands-on, concrete explorations of how these stories are connected to everyday, normal kid life.
It is Christ Episcopal Church Safety Policy that all children be accompanied by parents or guardians to class, chapel, or choir locations upon arrival and be released only to parents/guardians at conclusion of these events.