Special Events
Special Events at CEC
SUNDAY, JANUARY 5: Feast of Lights Service
The Feast of Lights is a traditional ending of the Christmas season and beginning of the season of Epiphany. The Christ candle in the Advent/Christmas wreath will be extinguished and a small bonfire will be lit to burn our greenery. Bring greenery to burn. S’mores after the service.
Making Your Grief Count
1:30 - 3 p.m. in the Gahan Conference Room. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, Porter Loring and Christ Church invite you to join a Bereavement Support Group that will meet Wednesdays for 8 weeks. The program is designed to help you embrace your grief, learn to bear it, and strengthen your resilience. Please RSVP to Karen – karenv@cecsa.org.
Sign up for photos for the New Pictorial Directory
We need EVERYONE in the parish to sign up to get their pictures taken. Photographers from Universal Church Directories will be coming Thursday to Saturday, January 16, 17, 18, and February 13, 14 and 15, 2025. For participating you will receive a complimentary 8 x 10 portrait and a church directory. You will have an opportunity to purchase other family portraits if you wish, but there is no cost to get your picture taken and no obligation to buy photos in order to be in the CEC directory. Look for the directory table in the Gazebo to sign up. For questions contact Julianne Reeves (210-410-5721) or Gretchen Duggan gretchend@cecsa.org. You may sign up on line too:
Go to www.ucdir.com
Click on the box "photography appointment scheduling login"
Enter the code: tx576 Enter the password: photos
Click on the desired date, find the time you want, add the required info, then click "Schedule Appointment." If you have more than six family members being photographed, please reserve two consecutive appointments.