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510 Belknap Place
San Antonio, TX, 78212
United States


Christ Episcopal Church is a loving and welcoming church family, centrally located in the historic Monte Vista District of San Antonio, Texas. Our sanctuary is one of the most peaceful and beautiful churches in the country, but the real beauty of our church is our people. We are a large church, but with a small, familial feel and lots of ways to become involved.


Christ Church Staff


Scott Kitayama

Associate Rector and Chief of Pastoral Staff


Justin Lindstrom

Associate Rector for Community Formation

Brien Koehler

Associate Rector of Missions and Formation

John Badders

Associate Rector

Josh Benninger

Director of Music

Jennifer Holloway

Assistant Director of Music and
Children’s Music Director

Avery Moran

Youth Minister & Social Media Manager

Susan LindstromDirector of College Ministry

Susan Lindstrom

Director of College Ministry

Catherine de Marigny

Director of Family Ministries

Lily Fenton

Nursery Director

Chesley Muenchow

Financial Managaer


Gretchen Comuzzi Duggan

Director of Communications

Karen Von Der Bruegge

Director of Vocational Discernment and Pastoral Care



Chief Happiness Officer

Andrew Fink


Elizabeth MartinezKitchen Manager

Elizabeth Martinez

Kitchen Manager

Carla Solis

Office Manager

Robert VallejoFacilities Manager

Robert Vallejo

Facilities Manager

Rudy SegoviaHospitality Manager

Rudy Segovia

Hospitality Manager

Joe GarciaHospitality Sexton

Joe Garcia

Hospitality Sexton